Lust Github Repo Stars: ZekeMedley/lust

A lisp JIT compiler and interpreter

Monkey Github Repo Stars: vishpat/monkey-rs

Another interpreter for the monkey programming language in Rust. Writing An Interpreter In Go is a phenomenal book to learn on how to write an interpreter for a programming language in Go.

LISP Github Repo Stars: vishpat/lisp-rs

A simple Lisp interpreter/library in Rust. The interpreter/library was initially developed as a teaching aid to explain how Lisp interpreters work and how can they be implemented using the Rust programming language.

petushki Github Repo Stars: sunng87/petushki

A simple static HTTP server in Rust, for learning and local doc development Resources

toyDB Github Repo Stars: erikgrinaker/toydb

Distributed SQL database in Rust, written as a learning project

mini-redis Github Repo Stars: tokio-rs/mini-redis

mini-redis is an incomplete, idiomatic implementation of a Redis client and server built with Tokio.

SQLRite Github Repo Stars: joaoh82/rust_sqlite

Rust-SQLite, aka SQLRite , is a simple embedded database modeled off SQLite, but developed with Rust. The goal is get a better understanding of database internals by building one.

minisudo Github Repo Stars: ogham/minisudo

A little privilege escalator in Rust, for learning.